Tuesday 16 February 2010

Pancake Day Recipes You Will Love Or Your Money Back

HELLO PANCAKE DAY! what Tuesday? PANCAKE Tuesday!

So, I just made a fully-pancake-based dinner of two courses that took me all of 30 minutes to do. I think this is blog worthy. Politics? Ponderings? Soul Searching? CUT.....PANCAKESSS!!!

Anyway here are the recipes and even though pancake day is coming to a close and you may not keep black pudding in your freezer like I do (cause you are mentally ill I guess :P), I am sure a savoury pancake main course and sweet pancakey dessert will appeal on days other that today. Hey, maybe I will repost this on Pancake-Eve next year.

Savoury Spanish Meaty Pancake Spectacular (for want of a more succint name)

Serves 2
Prep time 15 mins
cook time 15 mins

2 linked sausages
2 black pudding slices
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
4 blocks of cacao/ 70%+ dark chocolate
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp lemon juice
oil to cook

Pancake Batter
120g Self raising flour
1 egg
1/4 pint of milk
handful of chopped chives
pinch salt
pinch black pepper

To Serve
grated cheese
sour cream

Making the Pancake Batter
1. Beat the egg in a bowl
2. Add milk and mix.
3. Add flour and mix well.
4. Add pepper, salt and chives and mix.

Making the sauce
1. Chop black pudding and sausages into small chunks and fry with a little oil in a pan until cooked.
2. Add tomatoes and mix.
3. Add chocolate, chilli, lemon juice and tomato puree and mix
4. Simmer for 10 minutes to vapourise the extra moisture and condense the sauce until it is thick like chilli is, stirring periodically to prevent sticking.

Cooking the pancakes
1. Add a little oil to a frying pan on a low to medium heat.
2. Pour in half the pancake batter to the middle of the pan.
3. When the first side is cooked little bubbles will appear around the 1/3 of the pancake nearest the edge, at this point flip the pancake WITH A SPATULA (to prevent it going on the floor).

4. Cook the other side until lightly browned. Remove from heat.

Place the pancake on the plate and spoon the sauce in the middle. Add a few spoonfuls of sour cream to the top and sprinkle with grated cheese. TA DA! Savoury pancake tastiness for all (well, 2).

Scotch Pancake Stack Dessert
120g Self raising flour
1 egg
1/4 pint of milk
30g caster sugar
small pinch of salt
Blocks of white and milk chocolate
Syrup (Golden or Maple)

Prepare batter
1. Beat the egg in a bowl
2. Add milk and mix.
3. Add flour and sugar and mix well.
4. Add salt and mix.

Cooking the pancakes
1. Add a little oil to a frying pan on a low to medium heat.
2. spoon small amounts of the batter into the pan in 2s or 3s. I suggest 2 desert spoons of mixture in 3 places or 3 dessert spoons in 2 places, depending on the size of your frying pan of course.
3. The first side will be done once bubbles on the top of the pancake. Flip the pancakes to the other side and cook until lightly brown then remove.

1. Stack your pancakes on a plate (diet=1 pancake sensible=2 pancakes hungry=3 pancakes greedy=4 pancakes heartattack=5+ pancakes)
2. Add blocks of chocolate on top of the pancakes (and in between layers if you like). If the pancakes were straight from the pan the choc will melt, otherwise heat in microwave for 10 seconds or so)

3. drizzle syrup over the stack.

ENJOY! mmmmmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. omg Helen that all looks win. however, were I to look at another pancake I might turn into one!
